Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

This is a much better match than last week but I don't like everyone kicking out of Cena'a AA.  It should only be saved for the very biggest matches.
Unless he is going to develop that Fake Stunner into his main finisher..............

People shouldn't have the same finisher for their whole career.

AA could just be his Signature Move
I'm so upset that just happened. I don't even post in here. But my hatred for cena is so deep. I'd cry in enjoyment to see him lose the belt to Neville.
Unless he is going to develop that Fake Stunner into his main finisher..............

People shouldn't have the same finisher for their whole career.

AA could just be his Signature Move

Agreed...like how Wade does the bull hammer and wasteland is a signature.

Any other examples guys?
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