Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

I always wanted Seth to use the Pedigree as a finisher...

not like that
:smh: horrible Pedigree, Steph's was better

Cheap *** pedigree :lol:

Worst pedigree of all time :lol:

That pedigree did not look good.

Worst pedigree ever

That was a terrible pedigree. :frown:

Horrible pedigree LOL

:rofl: rollin's using that terrible pedigree
there goes that survey question, couldn't Shovel jus stay in the back
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I'll tolerate that pedigree over that **** finisher he used after the stomp was banned.

Match was a cluster**** but still solid. Only good thing about the show.
Rollins didn't jump that much but RKO also sandbagged him a little

If Seth starts using the pedigree full time :wow: they can have a prodigy type angle
Rollins didn't jump that much but RKO also sandbagged him a little

If Seth starts using the pedigree full time
they can have a prodigy type angle
Yeah, don't know why people are putting some blame on Orton. He definitely sandbagged.
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