Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

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Bet money Big Ettore lurks NTWT :nerd:

Sounds like something one of us would say :lol:

or maybe that's who BDB really is :nerd:
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What part of your body is clapping :lol:

Only read a report on the show, but based on the posts I did see in here, sounds like it was another meh PPV following a very good mania. Picked Sheamus, Naomi, New Day, Rollins, and Bray to all win. Poooooooor Rusev :smh: I said months ago he's gonna end up being Umaga, and looks like he's definitely headed that way. Sure, he's had a great build up and i actually like his character even with some of the cheesiness, but sooner or later he's gonna have to beat somebody major, or else his "big win" will be beating Ryback like Bray. The fact that they went nearly 30 minutes is :wow: :x

Rollins using the Pedigree :rofl: :pimp: Shocked Ambrose didn't eat the pin either
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rusev was nothing more than a pawn to get Lana over. it's sad because the dude can move. and plays the role perfect.
new day are poor comedy. I'm glad to see those three finally find their place in the company. all very talented.

I wish there were more tag teams. real tag teams too. not just two ransoms thrown together. I want 1980s style tag teams.
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