Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

bo dallas calling booker t "mr. t" was pretty funny
Bo is great on the mic and even more on commentary.

Bo Dallas sounds like Michael Jackson on those early 90's interviews :lol:

Neville, jesus christ, your knee is hurting and you continue to go to aerial moves :rofl: :rofl:
Bo Dallas sounds like Michael Jackson on those early 90's interviews

Neville, jesus christ, your knee is hurting and you continue to go to aerial moves
Man I am too critical of things like this now. Listening to so much COrnette and Jim Ross. It is sad man
I'd rather watch a 60 minute Iron Man Match between Kand and Big Show than anything involving Bo.
Why not give Neville the win?

Because bob is Kota and if he keeps losing it would devalue whatever is left also trying to start a fued with bo Dallas. Neville was protected in this match with Bo attacking his knee at the beginning and the announcers actually mentioning it had an effect in the matc.

Marks need to sit b Neville is more protected than anybody else I could remeber since maybe bnb.
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