Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

Neville, jesus christ, your knee is hurting and you continue to go to aerial moves :rofl: :rofl:
Man I am too critical of things like this now. Listening to so much COrnette and Jim Ross. It is sad man

Neville attempted 3 straight aerial moves, and also did a jawbreaker, and move LANDING ON HIS HURT KNEE :lol: :smh:

Anal's skirt was going sky high on that pic.....

Rusev is 1-3 vs Cena. Swagger is 0-9 vs Rusev. Christian is 3-17 vs Orton/Sheamus. Just something to look at.
Cena shouldn't feud with anyone. Just keep doing the open challenge on every Raw and ppv. Putting him in a feud guarantees he retains on every Raw open challenge.
Welp, no Lana no care.
Rusev having Lana for dinner every night.

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