Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

BDB, with the way they've seemed to improved booking, I like this idea.

Really surprised KO got the call up first. Fastest NXT -> main roster debut?

i mean he's dope, can wrestle, amazing mic skills, carries himself like a star heel, its the right decision
I am a Paige fan as she is one of the best wrestling divas on the roster, but good lord, all these damn roadblocks being thrown in front of Naomi is ridiculous. I swear they're gonna give Cameron a title run before her :stoneface:
Where the **** the V come from then...
Northern Virginia is considered part of the DC Metro Area

Yo @jdcurt2 I think tonight may have cemented me going to NXT Columbus dressed as mini-KO haha. It was already a thought, and this put it over the top. Time to start working on the beard again.
When is Seth going to take that damn blonde streak out of his hair.

They are REALLY pushing NXT tonight. What took them so long?
I think out of all the signings (Itami, Balor, Owens) to NXT, Owens was give the most promise to fast track to the main roster....
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