Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

HHH and Rollins basically Vince and HHH 2.0. As much as I hated Hunter when he was wrestling full time, I can kinda dig this..
Noble da gawd 
I am a Paige fan as she is one of the best wrestling divas on the roster, but good lord, all these damn roadblocks being thrown in front of Naomi is ridiculous. I swear they're gonna give Cameron a title run before her :stoneface:

Excuse me while I fetch my vomit bag :x
first time poster in this thread, but been a fan of wwe since I was a kid.  All I have to say is Owens is looking bad@ss, I'm thinking he is going to be the one to beat cena for the belt.

Welcome. Just done report people or steal NTWT gimmicks
But that's my point, Vince likes Balor due to his international draw being in place (why Jericho wants to wrestle him in Japan on tour).

But I think when they signed, it was always going to be Owens sooner than later although they made it out to be Balor and Itami being rushed up. Business standpoint, Owens will be the CM Punk replacement
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