Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

How much longer until Graves get promoted? His work has improved so mich since he started on commentary. And those Balor chops are vicious... :x
How much longer until Graves get promoted? His work has improved so mich since he started on commentary.
Agreed, he got into his rhythm very quickly. Last I heard, he has a 2-year contract? He's not even through with a year yet.

Also talks of him and Renee getting pushed to TV commentary.
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What did they say? I have NXT on mute and playing the Cavs game
Sasha's ratchet
The little things

Sasha's left arm is hurting.

The ref attemtps to raise her left arm in victory, she says no. "The right side. Thank you."

Didn't watch this match, of course as soon as I flip over they get scored on. Man **** hockey, too intense for me.

and **** as soon as I ******* write this they go down.
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Man these NXT Divas stay ******** on the main roster Divas in terms of having quality matches.
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