Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

Man these NXT Divas stay ******** on the main roster Divas in terms of having quality matches.
If I was one of the main roster folks, I would be PISSED that these girls are able to practice, practice, and practice and be given time to put on a good match.
Even if they practice more I doubt that most of them can put on that quality of a match just now.

I think Paige and Nattie are the best wrestlers on the main roster, after them it's a huge dropoff.

I love baby girl Naomi but as athletic as she is, I wouldn't consider her a good wrestler.
kevin owens needs to improve on the mic
This didn't have the big fight feel that the first match did.

Wish they would have shown both goes walking from the back to gorilla. But then again, we don't wanna be redundant
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