Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

Oh yea, KEvin Owens on Jericho's PPV was GOOD. Had a non-wrestling person in the car with me and they enjoyed it 

So yea
But he is supposed to be a HEEL?

 Kevin Owens @FightOwensFight Karina, Owen, Élodie, Mom, Dad…tonight is for you. I would have never made it this far without you guys. I love you! #EliminationChamber
Owens has made his family a focal point of his run in NXT so far.

Don't see anything wrong with it.
Being in the spotlight, you signed up for what comes next...sorry hombre just saying

Those "guys" who takes pics of celebs and what not are crazy but they're protected under a weird law so...

Na a mans got a right to his personal space and if I'm with my family and folks start snapping pics and asking for autographs I'm snapping.
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