Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

i'm waiting for someone to kick Cena in the nuts instead of swing on him to setup the 5 Knuckle Shuffle
So you're telling me they're just piling on the NXT specials for the hardcore fans only just for the fun of it? Not because the viewer numbers have risen?
I never said any of that.

I said that MOST people don't know who Kevin Owens is.

Most people in THAT crowd
This I'm willing to bet nxt only gets 500k- 600k viewers a week and most of that is smarks. And I'm being way to generous
How much of the non-viewers that are watching this PPV are checking their twitters tho? Majority of people who watch these PPVs and check their twitters belong in the smark category.
Dat Cheerio showing off the agility.
So you're telling me they're just piling on the NXT specials for the hardcore fans only just for the fun of it? Not because the viewer numbers have risen?

They don't even get a million viewers b. There are way more casual fans than there are marks. You are spending way to much time on the internet if you think otherwise. Every single crowd would be hot if the only or majority fans were smarks and you know dam well there's only a dozen maybe evenness cities that are great.
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MOST of no demographic watches NXT man. NXT is for hardcore fans.

This I'm willing to bet nxt only gets 500k- 600k viewers a week and most of that is smarks. And I'm being way to generous

I've worn the KO shirt that @22stylez got me 3 times... Someone I didn't know has commented on it each time I've worn it... I tend to agree with your thinking, but Idk... I think I'm starting to change my mind a little... It being available on Hulu as well helps it a lot too...
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