Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

SethLord still champ :smokin

He still champ but my man cant get a singles match win for the belt by pin?
Goodnight fellas

4wrestling 4wrestling
EC Match Tracker

Does Xavier Woods enter the Elimination Chamber structure? yes
Does Torito enter the Elimination Chamber structure? yes
Is a LEXAN POD broken during the match? (IC Title EC Match) it popped out…twice :lol:
Who comes to the ring first? (Cena/Owens) Owens
Does Kevin Owens kick out of the AA? yes
Does John Cena kick out of the pop up power bomb? of course
Does Triple H appear during the match? (Rollins/Ambrose) idk I fell asleep
Does Kane physically attack either man? (Rollins/Ambrose) idk I was still sleeping
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