Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

Rollins won't look strong until HHH turns on him and he has to find the fortitude to defeat the evil empire alone
Do you guys think K.O. v. Cena was rushed?

As in the match was rushed or the program?

The match went 20 minutes and they have huge plans for KO, so I think they wanted to get him over as quick as possible, hence all the merch they just released for him. Son got three new shirts and a hoodie since Monday.
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As in the match was rushed or the program?

The match went 20 minutes and they have huge plans for KO, so I think they wanted to get him over as quick as possible, hence all the merch they just released for him. Son got three new shirts and a hoodie since Monday.

And you copped every last one of them :lol:

That new ko shirt is dope just wish it had 3m
As in the match was rushed or the program?

The match went 20 minutes and they have huge plans for KO, so I think they wanted to get him over as quick as possible, hence all the merch they just released for him. Son got three new shirts and a hoodie since Monday.

The match.
Dean Ambrose need to change the side plates..

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