Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

I wish I can say Shad learned from that last experience. I really wish I could, but that's not the case. Another scenario where Shad's filter malfunctioned was in Cleveland, Ohio.
We arrived at the arena for RAW and that particular morning, Shad was making a statement. He was dressed to impress! Shad was wearing a tailor made suit and I have to admit, he cleaned up pretty nicely.
Anyway, Shad was getting a lot of compliments throughout the morning. Knowing Shad, I knew he couldn't wait until Vince, or the Head of Talent Relations, or anybody from the office for that matter, to see him. When you dress as sharp as Shad did that day, you make a few rounds around the arena before changing so everyone can see how dashing you look. I've been guilty of that myself a time or two. If I'm wearing a nice outfit, I'd make sure everyone sees it, god dammit!
The moment he'd been waiting for arrived. We bumped into "The Game" himself. "Wow, Shad, you look sharp," said the Cerebral Assassin. What happened next? My boy, my homie, Shad Gaspard completely froze!
Shad now had three options:
a) say "Thank you"
b) return the compliment
c) kiss a li'l *** and make small talk
But no, my partner choose-
Z) tell your higher up "I'm wearing this suit just to impress you. I guess this is what it feels like to sell out."
I stood there screaming on the inside, Why, why, WHY! What would possess you to say that, Shad?!!
The look on the Game's face read, "What the ****?!" Then what always happens next, happened: the awkward look at ME.

:rofl: :rofl:
That story had me 
. I looked like a damn fool just laughing at the airport.
I wish I can say Shad learned from that last experience. I really wish I could, but that's not the case. Another scenario where Shad's filter malfunctioned was in Cleveland, Ohio.
We arrived at the arena for RAW and that particular morning, Shad was making a statement. He was dressed to impress! Shad was wearing a tailor made suit and I have to admit, he cleaned up pretty nicely.
Anyway, Shad was getting a lot of compliments throughout the morning. Knowing Shad, I knew he couldn't wait until Vince, or the Head of Talent Relations, or anybody from the office for that matter, to see him. When you dress as sharp as Shad did that day, you make a few rounds around the arena before changing so everyone can see how dashing you look. I've been guilty of that myself a time or two. If I'm wearing a nice outfit, I'd make sure everyone sees it, god dammit!
The moment he'd been waiting for arrived. We bumped into "The Game" himself. "Wow, Shad, you look sharp," said the Cerebral Assassin. What happened next? My boy, my homie, Shad Gaspard completely froze!
Shad now had three options:
a) say "Thank you"
b) return the compliment
c) kiss a li'l *** and make small talk
But no, my partner choose-
Z) tell your higher up "I'm wearing this suit just to impress you. I guess this is what it feels like to sell out."
I stood there screaming on the inside, Why, why, WHY! What would possess you to say that, Shad?!!
The look on the Game's face read, "What the ****?!" Then what always happens next, happened: the awkward look at ME.

:rofl: :rofl:

IM HURTING :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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