Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

There is atleast some talk of a Wyatt Family reunion and adding Bo Dallas to the group.
I bet we see at least one scrub in a Ravens jersey camera-side. It's def the Maryland uniform.

So glad I don't live down there anymore, that was the worst year and a half of my life
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I bet we see at least one scrub in a Ravens jersey camera-side. It's def the Maryland uniform.

So glad I don't live down there anymore, that was the worst year and a half of my life

Bmore that bad? The wire makes it seem lovely specially this time of the year
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Ambrose heel turn tonight
Renee gonna get the dirty deeds on camera
ambrose wins tonight, kane is fired, seth gets his rematch at the chamber ppv and regains.
Brock Lesnar interferes with every match tonight and F5's security, anyone trying to stop him.

i think someone else in here told me that a couple days ago :lol:
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