Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

Pumped for tonight that Fatal 4 Way should be epic. If Sethlord walks away with a W, :smokin.

Rollins needs some legit wins as a champ.

I'm really hoping they book Rusev v Cena (I quit) like Flair v Foley (I quit)

I want Rusev to threatened Lana and forced Cena to say I quit like when Flair force Foley to said I quit to protect Melina..
Watching this match last night, Im hoping the same. Though I'm positive Lana is throwing in the towel on Rusev.

If Cena drops the title then what's next for him? Only logical path imo is a non-title feud with Brock.

I wouldn't mind seeing a Cena/Rollins solo program with Rollins going over at Summerslam but booking that wouldn't make a lot of sense right now.

Sami Zayn hurt and cant wrestle so owens doesn't have an opponent ... out comes samoa joe?

either that or replace itami in the contender match.

I really doubt it but this is one guy that needs to keep his name.
Sami Zayn hurt and cant wrestle so owens doesn't have an opponent ... out comes samoa joe?

either that or replace itami in the contender match.

I really doubt it but this is one guy that needs to keep his name.

Itami out 8 months.
Sami Zayn hurt and cant wrestle so owens doesn't have an opponent ... out comes samoa joe?

either that or replace itami in the contender match.

I really doubt it but this is one guy that needs to keep his name.

I think Joe beats the dog crap out of Itami backstage and forces himself into the #1 contenders match and wins. And after KO beats Zayn Joe comes out again for the stare off. I'm also sure they might let him keep his name because nobody else had that same US recognition Joe had with being on TNA and being around for so long.
I think Joe beats the dog crap out of Itami backstage and forces himself into the #1 contenders match and wins. And after KO beats Zayn Joe comes out again for the stare off. I'm also sure they might let him keep his name because nobody else had that same US recognition Joe had with being on TNA and being around for so long.
Certified guy on Reddit says he's keeping his name.

Guess they're fast-tracking him to the top.
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