Wrestling Thread May27-June9 | 6/6 Impact LIVE - Quinton RAMPAGE Jackson Appears Tonight

Could Axel be any more generic in the ring?  Kicks and punches and a Randy Orton-esque rest hold.  I thought Axel was supposed to be the greatest prospect in WWE since he trained with The Rock and is endorsed by HHH?

Seth Rollins and Big E Langston lifted heavy things with Cena.

Them dudes should have the vitality of a Level 100 Chansey.
You lost me.  Is this a Pokemon reference?
If for some reason you didn't watch via the WWE App!!! here's a report of Bret Hart Appreciate Night:

Jerry Lawler said today was declared Bret Hart day in Calgary and they aired a video package of his career. Bret came out to a standing ovation and Thank You Bret chants. Lawler read a proclamation from Calgary city council announcing May 27, 2013 as Bret Hart Day, signed by the mayor. 

Bret said he could feel Stu, Bulldog and Owen watching and the crowd chanted Owen’s name. He was proud of this accomplishment because it came from the people of Calgary and he thanked his kids for putting up with him being gone all those years. He talked about wrestling in Calgary which prepared him for the 14-year career in WWE. Bret put over his matches with Mr. Perfect and British Bulldog and said there were too many others to name. He also thanked his wife Stephanie. He then thanked Lawler and brought up the old jokes Lawler used to say about the Hart parents. Owen once told Bret they should talk to Jerry about it but it turns out their mom loved it and it turned her into a wrestling fan. He called Lawler one of the greatest villains ever. Bret wished WWE could’ve come to Calgary more often and regrets not being able to show what the Calgary guys could do. 

Jerry introduced Pat Patterson who put Bret over as the best Canadian wrestler ever. He got to one knee to thank Bret. Bret said he got nervous whenever Pat got to his knees.

(4w note... extremely disturbing after watching the Donahue stuff....)

Chris Jericho came out next. Jericho said it was very cool finally being in the ring with Bret. He never got to wrestle Bret but did wrestle him a thousand times in his mind. He dreamt of having matches with Bret and Owen Hart. Jericho told a story from 1995 when he saw Bret at a Stu Hart birthday show where he suggested a finish to Bret for a match with Bulldog on PPV, and he was amazed when Bret actually used it. 

Shawn Michaels was next. Some very light boos and You Screwed Bret chants. Shawn said he expected much worse. Shawn said every great hero needed a great villain and he was honoured to be Bret’s Lex Luthor. He congratulated Bret and hugged him to cheers. 

Vince McMahon came out. He called Stampede Wrestling one of the greatest promotions ever and said Bret Hart brought in his own era to WWE, defined by great wrestling and said Bret won the WWE Championship the old fashioned way -- by earning it. He said Bret was called the Excellence of Execution for a reason and called him the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be. Vince asked when Bret would leave this cow-dung smelling city. He assured the crowd he was kidding. Vince finished by telling Bret thank you. 

Bret said nobody would know who he was if not for what WWE did for him. He enjoys being a Calgarian hero and being recognized all over the world. He put over Vince and Shawn and said it means a lot that Shawn came out today. He also thanked Lawler, Jericho and Patterson for coming. He joked that this was the perfect moment for he and the crowd to ambush Vince and Shawn. Lastly, Bret thanked the crowd. 

All the wrestlers from the back, including Lance Storm, came on the stage to applaud. Natalya and Tyson Kidd went to the ring to hug Bret.
I really cannot wait to see Wyatt in the ring, his style and the pace of his matches are great.
Any word on when Club's suspension will be lifted?

Have a HUGE announcement to make.

Next week, here on NTRaw, the newest member of The BrotherHood will be revealed. Myself & 4w/Jesse will welcome our long lost brother to the fold.
"DCAllAmerican locks in the Mandible Claw on DCAllAmerican. DC AllAmerican taps...Peep Game wins" :rofl:

4w you just killed me with Axel's finisher being the count out :lol: :lol:
So when do you guys think Wyatt & The Family debut? Will they debut @ the PPV, next week, or just keep airing vignettes for months like Fandango & Brodus.
So when do you guys think Wyatt & The Family debut? Will they debut @ the PPV, next week, or just keep airing vignettes for months like Fandango & Brodus.
depends when cena feels healthy enough to get jumped by 3 rednecks
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are there any face tag teams other than Team Hell No and Tons of Funk? I just realized how many heel teams there are. :lol:
are there any face tag teams other than Team Hell No and Tons of Funk? I just realized how many heel teams there are.
The Celtic Vipers.  Looks like that's the way they're going to me.
Damn was Slamiversary last night? If so results? Fast foward'd thru RAW outside of Heyman stuff. :lol:
Damn I missed my man Axel :smh:

My bad i wasn't in the thread I had to go to emergency room last night yall. **** was scary for a minute. I woke up with this crazy irritation and when the doctor checked me out, he told me its nothing to worry about, it was the effects of 4wrestling still on my D I C K from last week.

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WWE is going hard with building for the future. Ryback, The Shield, Fandago, Cesaro, Big E Langston, now the Wyatt family, and like it or not Axel wouldn't be paired with Heyman if they weren't gonna push him to the moon. Soon their gonna call up Ohno. I just really want to see Pac on the roster.
-7 people were ejected and 4 were arrested in the crowd brawl during the main event last night on Raw.

-WWE is very unhappy with Mark Henry at the moment.  He is injured, but not severely enough to need surgery, so WWE feels he should work through the pain while Henry is choosing to sit out.  Henry's proposed babyface push storyline has now been given to Big E, who will likely be feuding with Dolph Ziggler in the coming months.  We saw the start of the turn last night.
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