Wrestling Thread May27-June9 | 6/6 Impact LIVE - Quinton RAMPAGE Jackson Appears Tonight

What's going on in the crowd?
Did we need the WWE app to watch it or nah?
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Did they add an airplane noise to Axel's theme or are they using the J. Arms version?
"Hey Kid, you look a lot like your dad."

No offense to Bret, but he shouldn't be on TV anymore.

Curt Axel has ***** ****.
When Daniel Bryan gets the hot tag, there isn't a thing currently in WWE that gets a bigger pop.  And it's not just the pop of him coming in initially.  He constantly has the crowd going crazy for him.  This is week after week.  I really wish WWE would give this man the push he deserves.
does this happen i his single matches ? or is it a product of the crowds and nature of the tag matches ? 
If it was just a pop for the tag, that would be one thing.  But the crowd stays on fire when D Bry is making his babyface comeback.  No one else gets a pop like this.  Especially considering how long these matches go.  When guys like Orton and Sheamus have long matches, the crowd is struggling to stay awake.
So Orton came to the ring.  Then the Rhodes Scholars.  Then Sheamus.  Makes sense.

And I'm fast forwarding through this match.
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Could Axel be any more generic in the ring?  Kicks and punches and a Randy Orton-esque rest hold.  I thought Axel was supposed to be the greatest prospect in WWE since he trained with The Rock and is endorsed by HHH?
Could Axel be any more generic in the ring?  Kicks and punches and a Randy Orton-esque rest hold.  I thought Axel was supposed to be the greatest prospect in WWE since he trained with The Rock and is endorsed by HHH?

Seth Rollins and Big E Langston lifted heavy things with Cena.

Them dudes should have the vitality of a Level 100 Chansey.
Curt Axel is left laying like a jobber for the 2nd straight week.


I'm done with this dude.  He has nothing and WWE isn't doing him any favors.
I watched tonights show with my grandpa. He couldn't believe Taker and Trips were still wrestling. :lol:
He also couldn't believe someone that was built like Punk and Jericho were champions at one time. :smh:

D Bry hot tag, Wyatt Family vignette, Heyman/Y2J, Bellas, Kaitlyn. :smokin
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