Wrestling Thread May27-June9 | 6/6 Impact LIVE - Quinton RAMPAGE Jackson Appears Tonight

Ok, for those that missed it, this is easily one of the better matches of the year. Gail Kim vs. Taryn from TNA's last PPV. Wow and wow and wow.

:lol: it's funny you posted that DC, cause I watched that last night. A really good match. Only thing I hated was Taz calling what was basically an RKO a Bulldog :x he could have said Ace Crusher or something. And both Gail and Taryn do a better figure four than Miz :rofl:

And look at that, you give women who actually like wrestling some time in the ring, and they can come up with something good. Meanwhile Kelly Kelly and Ashley Massaro tripped over themselves after barely grazing the ropes.
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a few hours ago , i would agree that the american dragon is the best in the world. then, i discovered the rainmaker.  nothing on tv,  so i spent my saturday afternoon on youtube and this okada guy pops up. four hours later, i am a mark. The high dropkick, tombstone, rainmaker lariat, top rope elbow drop, top rope ddt, the red ink submission.  

DCAllAmerican, you got any links to any of his matches? Today, I just seen the three he had with Tanahasi. Just incredible stuff. 

His match with Karl Anderson >>>>>>>>

Goldust didn't even know it :smh:

I took like 3 Physics classes, but seeing this is still puzzling :lol:
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Dammit, tried to re-upload it and one of them broke again. It's the PTP/Tatsu gif where PTP did that slightly botched Powerbomb/Clothesline combo. Goldust ok'd that spot and got fired for it later on.

View media item 447963
View media item 447968

:pimp: :pimp: :pimp: World Heavyweight Champion Kenny Dykstra
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- It has been noted before how there’s talk of doing a CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar feud. Word over the weekend was that they want to do it for SummerSlam and CM Punk isn’t happy about that.

Punk has pitched other feuds to creative and let it be known that he shouldn’t rush into a feud with Paul Heyman and Lesnar.

- Vince McMahon was praising Daniel Bryan backstage at RAW last week after working two matches and carrying Ryback. Bryan’s push will continue and there has been talk of having him feud with Dolph Ziggler, among others. It was reported a few days ago that the current plan for the Money In The Bank PPV is to have John Crna VS Daniel Bryan for the WWE Title.

- There's a strong feeling backstage that Bray Wyatt, Erick Rowan and Luke Harper will be pushed big time on the main roster as The Wyatt Family. Word is that Triple H is very high on the three.
- It has been noted before how there’s talk of doing a CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar feud. Word over the weekend was that they want to do it for SummerSlam and CM Punk isn’t happy about that.

Punk has pitched other feuds to creative and let it be known that he shouldn’t rush into a feud with Paul Heyman and Lesnar.

- Vince McMahon was praising Daniel Bryan backstage at RAW last week after working two matches and carrying Ryback. Bryan’s push will continue and there has been talk of having him feud with Dolph Ziggler, among others. It was reported a few days ago that the current plan for the Money In The Bank PPV is to have John Crna VS Daniel Bryan for the WWE Title.

- There's a strong feeling backstage that Bray Wyatt, Erick Rowan and Luke Harper will be pushed big time on the main roster as The Wyatt Family. Word is that Triple H is very high on the three.

Punk is right about a Lesner Fued it should be slow build there haven't even been the same ring as group yet. I've been waiting to see Punk/Brock/Heymen at the same time in the same ring.
I agree punk shouldn't be wrestling Brock summer fest. That can the be the backup wrestlemania 30 main event, if they build it up right. He should be gone until the royal rumble or the earliesr survivor series. Like Orton, he's going to be a waste killing midcarders. I put Bryan vs lesnar. He can make lesnar look strong, take those physical bumps, and carry him to a 20-25 minutes match. Plus, it gives him the rub. A beaten batter bruised Bryan standing in the middle to a standing oviation kind of like Benoit/angle at the rumble before his world title run.
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