Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

If this were like 3 years ago, Harper and Ambrose would both be shirtless wrestling in trunks
Deans gonna hit dirty deeds, get ready for the pin. Lifts go out and come back own to reveal Dean in a pile of chairs
thanks for all the updates on the content i missed tonight guys!

way to go!
Gems. Straight jewels. Ok so the authority had their farewell promo filled with bitterness and hate. Then DBryan came out (got a large pop once music hit) and put everyone on team authority in a match. Seth and the stooges vs Cena and Ziggler. Henry fought Ryback. Trips buried Sting. Steph faked cried poorly. Special surprise Daniel Bryan GM tonight. Seth looked pissed. Lots of talking. That about sums up what you missed.
Harper and Jeans have damn near zero chemistry together..

Lame ending to a lame match..
i think the feud with bray wyatt knocked a few screws loose on ambrose
dude's just out of control at this point
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