Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

Ambrose's theme is so ******* awesome, and I dig Harper's too, sounds kinda like that Cactus Jack theme
did u ever upgrade to the air 2?

Not yet gonna wait till after the holidays. I can't see it being that big of a difference from the og air to the air 2 tho.
yeah it's probably not that drastic. i was thinking about upgrading from a 5 to 6/6+ but i don't even need a new phone honestly with the air 2. i barely use my phone anymore unless i'm out of the house.

can't wait for bray to ruin this match
yeah it's probably not that drastic. i was thinking about upgrading from a 5 to 6/6+ but i don't even need a new phone honestly with the air 2. i barely use my phone anymore unless i'm out of the house.

can't wait for bray to ruin this match

I went from a 5 to a 6+, it's a big difference no pun. Just a flat out better phone.
"Punk can't do this, good riddance!!!"

"Damn Punk would have been better here."
Found Destination America too...now im starting to wonder if I do have that channel that Lucha Underground comes on lol
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