Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

Sasha Banks looking right on NXT.

@ her attacking an already bruised potato.
Sami zayn and Adrian Neville on talk is jericho is tomorrow.

Gonna get my 4W on and do a survey for next weeks r: evolution
Thought this was cool.

It's a timeline of WWE champions, showing when the won their first title and how long it took them to win it from their WWE debut.

The CM Punk panel.
Sami zayn and Adrian Neville on talk is jericho is tomorrow.

Gonna get my 4W on and do a survey for next weeks r: evolution
Me and DC will probably be the only entrants. :lol: (But seriously anyone who has the network ought to watch NXT. ) I'm down though. Just got off and about to start NXT up after I get settled.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: @ the Summer crop.

I was like "wait a minute", then it hit me.
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Man you're a fool for croping Summer. I love her mouth b.

Paige is moving up my list with that mouth and eyes combo.
Shots fired at Phil..

Former UFC and Bellator MMA fighter Phil Baroni has called out CM Punk on social media and wants to do the fight for Bellator. Baroni’s comments appear to be a response to CM Punk’s recent podcasts with Colt Cabana and Dana White’s comments from earlier today about being interested in talking to Punk. Baroni posted the following on Twitter and Instagram:

“I’ll bust you up. Call Coker , move da ******* needle. Wa Wa 3H was mean to me. Vince owes me. Wa Wa. . Your gona love MMA and @Danawhite it’s so fair ova here. Ryback hurt you? I’ll break your ******* Neck #whiney*****”
I'm planning on send my gifts out tomorrow. Anyone else shopping out this week. Just want to make sure I'm not shipping too early.
I'm planning on send my gifts out tomorrow. Anyone else shopping out this week. Just want to make sure I'm not shipping too early.

I kinda want to ship mine out tomorrow, but the 3rd gift hasn't come in yet, and more than likely will tomorrow. They keep trickling in 1 by 1 :lol:
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