Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

So the point of AWG is to explain that there ARE AWG in this world when they are usually considered the standard if beauty to many.

Black girls are not considered the standard so why point out when one is average.

It is basically denouncing a sterotype.
So the point of AWG is to explain that there ARE AWG in this world when they are usually considered the standard if beauty to many.

Black girls are not considered the standard so why point out when one is average.

It is basically denouncing a sterotype.

But black women > white women....
Aight if you make it I can cosign n her beauty to sway the opinions. You know whatever the first response says the masses will follow

You can tell Rikishi would love a stick face from her... As would I...

Damn I just had a kinky wrestling cartoon thought.... It involved Naomi, myself handcuffed in the corner if a ring, and Bill Demott taking pictures...
Natalie Guercio? Love that little ratchet. Would do everything imaginable to her.

Watched Liger vs Takahashi from 2013. Decent little short match. Some nice spots to the outside. Love the announcers man. No clue what they're saying but the passion and energy in the voice is dope.
Have you gotten a chance to watch those Liger vs. Naoki Sano matches?

I would also suggest his matches vs. Naori Honaga.

Old Liger was vicious man. Younger Liger that is.
Firing up Pac vs Liger 2012 right now and then I'm gonna try to get to these matches.

Some good technical wrestling so far. Liger's got Pac in a camel clutch. It's better than Rusev's but still man those arms chilling on his knees it's becoming my least favorite hold. Either hook the arms as you wrench the neck or have the guy I'm the submission use his arms to break free. Add some realism.
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EEEEEK @ Kevin Owens promo :smokin body is ready for nxt

Can't wait bruh. I've been looking forward to this for a long time. He's a legit cool genuine dude who deserves all the success that's coming to him.
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Dope promo but the Miz at the end :smh:

Hope Steen has a great career with the WWE.

Gonna fire up some classic Liger now.
Liger vs Sano 95 won't load for me :smh:

Got it going now. Sweet.

Pretty good match. Liger is quick as hell man but he doesn't cheese it. Good mat wrestler.
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