Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

..I like Rowan :lol:

Felt like he was overshadowed alot since he was alongside Brodie Lee & Bray for so long. Dude isn't that bad.

Better than Show & Schrute Kane.
I was half asleep when listening but steve Austin said he was talking to kane at raw last week and kane said he came back full time because he was bored at home. They offered him a part time contract and he said naa full time and if he could start the same night. We're stuck with dude till he finds a hobby.
I was half asleep when listening but steve Austin said he was talking to kane at raw last week and kane said he came back full time because he was bored at home. They offered him a part time contract and he said naa full time and if he could start the same night. We're stuck with dude till he finds a hobby.
Insurance business isn't too hot I see.
Why is it that there's more promos than wrestling on WWE shows? Really makes it a male soap opera :smh:
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