Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

Any way to turn off the PG filter so you can see blood on the Network?
Did you ask the WWE Network that question on facebook?..I just saw someone earlier asking them that..You have to go into My Account and then into Parental Controls and switch it off..
I don't see the parental controls anywhere..
My Account > WWE Network > Parental Controls

It's the 3rd option under WWE Network.
Finn Balor's music is so tough, man
Straight piffery.

I'm waiting for iTunes to drop the single so I can download it.

Fergal needs to chill with the theatrics during his entrance though. Takes him damn near Undertaker time to get to the ring.
Harper and Ziggler in a ladder match should be :pimp:...hope there is a legit finish and no funny stuff.
Picked up more work at my job(Fri-Mon) that's closer to my home, all graveyard shifts so no more PPV/Raw discussion for me. :\

I'll def still be in here frequently tho...just needed the extra $$$ and wanted to be closer to home.
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Picked up more work at my job(Fri-Mon) that's closer to my home, all night shifts so no more PPV/Raw discussion for me. :\

I'll def still be in here frequently tho...just needed the extra $$$ and wanted to be closer to home.
We'll make it work broseph. You had to do what was best for yourself. Props for that b.
We'll make it work broseph. You had to do what was best for yourself. Props for that b.

Yea I'ma miss discussing shows with yall but $$$ comes first.

Def will be around for any NJPW/NXT/PWG/ROH discussion tho. :pimp:
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