Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

That was nuts line was the first funny thing I've heard Ryback say..
I love when Ziggles talks softly to me 
Look at Cena zapping the shine away from Ziggler. Can't stand him. Such a corny *** dude.

I've been Team Nattie, but man she's been looking good than a ************ since Tyson's gimmick change
as much as i dislike ziggler,cena turning heel on him and reinstating the authority would be decent ,would make dolph top babyface.
Why they acting like knoble and mercury weren't wrestlers before who held belts in the company? Both probably still wrestle better than cena.
Hate subway but they have 6 inch sandwiches for $2?? In there tomorrow. I need 3 of them joints wit da chips, apple sticks and diet coke
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