Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

ziggler turns on cena, becomes the #2 heel in the wwe and orton comes out for the save to setup match at tlc?

Or dbry turns heel like brie and becomes the new authority?
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Hate subway but they have 6 inch sandwiches for $2?? In there tomorrow. I need 3 of them joints wit da chips, apple sticks and diet coke
Yep. I live next to subway at school. $2 meatball marinara 
Yeah I never really noticed. Dude being so brolic made me think he was 6'2-6'3.
Went to a house show years ago and was quite close to Cena. Realized this man is so damn muscled up and almost forgot to boo him. Key word: ALMOST. :lol:
Yes, Mercury and Noble USED to wrestle but how dumb would it be if WWE allowed them to get real offense on their current stars? That would be as dumb as them bringing in guest hosts and whooping Miz or Dolph like they used to do.
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