Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

According to metsfan4ever,

Backstage feeling is very tense.

People backstage are reportedly trying their best to stay away from HHH and Steph.

Earlier today, HHH, Steph and Vince had a long closed door meeting.
I don't feel sorry for Vince and company one bit. You could have prevented it. It's not even about the main event at mania. The biggest issue that got brought to light with the interview is the health of the wrestlers. And how poorly the "doctors" treat them.

I wanna see what Vince is gonna do to answer but I don't care enough to watch because it will most likely be petty as ****.
Another thing about the punk interview being overlooked is they employee talent as independent contractors meaning the get no benefits. It's basiclly work at will
Nikki only got those opportunities because of Cena, just like AJ got those opportunities because of Punk.

She's no different :lol: if we're talking hard workers, Naomi should be Diva's champ and it isn't even a question

Ehhhh, Titty got hers through Cena way more than AJ through Punk. They had already knew AJ had in-ring skills, and eventually they'd shine a light on that. Titty was totally worthless until she started dating Cena, finally deciding to learn how to wrestle and become decent :lol:

Did Ziggler smash?


I would let her sit on my face after Ziggler had a turn

Jesus Christ :rofl:
I felt that Punk embellished a few things in that interview. Jericho can blow things up too, but I'm more inclined to believe him.

Also, Titty is more entertaining than AJ right now. AJ has been mailing it in for a while.
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