Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

Not sassing you Socks, but do people generally give a damn about this? I mean people in here. Do YALL care if Stone Cold shows up on RAW?
I actually did mark a bit when Rock came out during that Rusev segment on Raw. If it were a similar situation, I think it would be cool if SCSA came out. However, if he just comes out to talk about his podcast or talk about the network similar to Hogan, I could care less...
Yall are too easy to troll :rofl:

The Usos doc was pretty good.

It was dope seeing how instrumental Umaga was in their lives and them becoming wrestlers.

Hit me right in the feels when they were talking about him.

Jey's wife.....not bad, not bad at all.
The rock segment with fupa was awesome compared to the crap they usually give us.

Will watch if cold stone shows up
one of my good buddies was in a frat at Penn St. Yes, he wears sperrys, salmon pants, and other fancy clothes :lol:

All acceptable, other than the pastel colored shorts and the shorts with the polo logo all over them. And they have to let your nuts breathe. Nut huggers are a no go [emoji]128581[/emoji]
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