Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

"@JRsBBQ: Tuesday night 9 pm ET #RossReport w/ new show featuring @TheBobHolly talking Brawl for it All, Beniot, Tough Enough..podcastone.com & iTunes"
Stardust made a comment about going after a New Day. Nice follow-up!

The New Day is rocking the same Rocky Maivia color way and swag. So hopefully the crowd turns on them just like the crowd turned on Rocky forcing them to turn heel! #DieNewDayDie
yea i see a big heel turn once they get the crowd on their side i only fear lazy writing will have it not live up to the potential it has 
Stardust made a comment about going after a New Day. Nice follow-up!

The New Day is rocking the same Rocky Maivia color way and swag. So hopefully the crowd turns on them just like the crowd turned on Rocky forcing them to turn heel! #DieNewDayDie

Manson Rose and the Furry  
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