Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

i think the bunny & adam rose don't work well together & should maybe consider goin their separate ways at this point
as great as it was while it lasted
the bunny comes out last ,why ? why would this make me care about the tag titles ? this should be a main event storyline only,so sad 
So......that spot couldn't have been reserved for Ascension, Enzo/Cass or even Slator Gator?? Jesus Christ. Rose-Bunny should not have been in it, or eliminated first.

:wow: :wow: Naomi is married to an Uso???????
So the first time they mention Naomi and Uso being married on airbus tonight. Idiots man

She is looking so good man
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