Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

SHUT UP LAWLER!!! "The only reason you like naomi is cause she twerks" :smh:
Of course yall are going to say I am reaching but why does the black woman have to have her sexuality accentuated? Yea, all women in WWE do to a degree but I get a Sarah Bartman vibe from this whole Naomi butt talk
Good job Uso. Give these dudes some character finally man. Instead of those happy go lucky dudes they have been.

As Jim Ross said, Miz could be such a great heel manager man. He doesn't think Miz should be a wrestler
What the **** does JR know. He should keep his fat **** face mouth shut ****** **** *****
Of course yall are going to say I am reaching but why does the black woman have to have her sexuality accentuated? Yea, all women in WWE do to a degree but I get a Sarah Bartman vibe from this whole Naomi butt talk

No you aren't reaching at all.

You as a black woman I know this a subject you feel strongly about.
It's sad that bray can actually put on a good match but under the wwe machine he's still nothing more than a cool entrance.
There need to be an announce team overhaul.

Bring in McGuiness and Schiovane and get Cole and Lawler out.
Everytime I see Truth in the ring I think about the "they" promo from the NWA/TNA days with Steamboat.
It's sad that bray can actually put on a good match but under the wwe machine he's still nothing more than a cool entrance.
Zero reason for him to be in pointless matches like this. Should only be wrestling on PPVs...
Bruh this NJPW announce team that I have no clue what they're saying is fifty times better than the wwe crap. So much more passion n purpose.
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