Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

That DBry segment really puts a spot light on how bad WWE is at pacing their segments..I know we've all beat it to death, but 3 hrs is way too much time to try and fill with such a thin roster and bad writers..
This makes wrestling look extremely lame

yeah, they shouldn't wasted Bryans return on this.. I know he had the biggest issue with the Authority, but him coming back to wrestle would be a bigger thing for the company than him to come back to gloat and be GM for one night. :smh:
Daniel Bryan felt SO much more natural and organic (no pun intended) as the temporary GM making all those matches than the played out Authority.  Such a nice change.
Daniel Bryan felt SO much more natural and organic (no pun intended) as the temporary GM making all those matches than the played out Authority.  Such a nice change.

Noticed it too. Albeit he's not up there with the best, as Bry has definitely gotten better on the mic. He's too damn likeable
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