Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

They show Vince coming out of the limo but he doesn't actually appear and then they don't even acknowledge who the anonymous GM is. Nice episode.

3 hours of nothing.

Well damn. Guess didn't miss out then.

It's 2014 and were still in the cena era.

Erick Rowan is now big red, ryback is somehow made it back on my tv screen after the 10 o clock hour on a regular basis, ziggler is out there looking like an albino post what's love got to do with it Tina turner with CENAS music somehow still being the last to be played while all the faces practice their best ymca rendition while holding hands.

Steve speaking that real but he's going easy on Vince so far. Vince again seeming out of touch. If he wants people to care about the story why doesn't he provide actual story lines for people 
Steve speaking that real but he's going easy on Vince so far. Vince again seeming out of touch. If he wants people to care about the story why doesn't he provide actual story lines for people 
It's not hard man. So easy to have guys involved in meaningful programs and quests for the belts. The talent is there but the leaders aren't.
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