Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

Damn he is for real asking that real lol questing booking and Vince doesn't know the answers then shouldn't you question yourself at some point 
Bruh... can't believe what Vince is saying right now about the guys who are putting their life on the line every other night to make him rich
That's it. It's over for Cesaro. 
Cesaro doesn't have it :lol: wow you're a delusional prick Vince. Cesaro could've been a star after 30 but your dumbass stymied him.
Don't be delusional people. When the hell has Cesaro shown anything on the mic? Not saying he got a opportunity, but don't be mad at Vince for saying Cesaro lacks charisma.
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