Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Just caught the Cesaro × Ryback match...pretty decent. I feel like Cesaro is the measuring stick for in ring ability.
cesaro troll was funny i know he had a few ntwt members excited esp. when he pulls up the knee pads  
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Again, nobody is speaking on the gameplay. I could give two damns about how the game looks. I still play Fire Pro Wrestling so that should let you know how much I value graphics. How is the GAMEPLAY.
The game looks decent on Xbox One

But really, gameplay is fine. Is there something specific you want to know? The opening grappling system is really the only difference from last years. Reversal system is still there and the striking works the same essentially.
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Again, nobody is speaking on the gameplay. I could give two damns about how the game looks. I still play Fire Pro Wrestling so that should let you know how much I value graphics. How is the GAMEPLAY.
 Once the price lowers to 35-40 I'm going to cop on 360. The slightly better gameplay + all the modes + CAWs >>> less modes, drastic gameplay chages, less CAW on next-gen
I wish Edge could still work.

Me too..I started watching less and less wrestling at the start of Edge's singles run..I don't think I honestly saw any of his world title matches til I got back into wrestling @4 yrs ago..
He was great with Lita. That feud with Cena during 2006-07 was classic. Rated RKO had mad potential but DX buried it. When he was with Vickie they jumped the shark a little, but he was still an awesome performer.
I wish Edge could still work.

Me too..I started watching less and less wrestling at the start of Edge's singles run..I don't think I honestly saw any of his world title matches til I got back into wrestling @4 yrs ago..
He was great with Lita. That feud with Cena during 2006-07 was classic. Rated RKO had mad potential but DX buried it. When he was with Vickie they jumped the shark a little, but he was still an awesome performer.

The best thing Edge ever did for his career was **** Lita... He wasn't over as a heel until he smashed Matt's girl... Made people have the perception of actually being a heel...

Also, Lita looks like a dirty, filthy ****... And I would do everything to her... She's right behind Trish on my all time list...
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The best thing Edge ever did for his career was **** Lita... He wasn't over as a heel until he smashed Matt's girl... Made people have the perception of actually being a heel...

Also, Lita looks like a dirty, filthy ****... And I would do everything to her... She's right behind Trish on my all time list...

I would want to do everything to her too, but she looks like one of them chicks that when you ask her to do something during sexy time she'll pull that ole "I used to do that but that's not who I am anymore"..And Trish, while insanely hot, gives off that "good girl that wants you to think she's really naughty, but is actually just a prude" type of vibe..
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