Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

My wife thinks Big Show is sexy..
I swear to God I want to hit her with Stone Cold Stunner so bad..
Beat me to it
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Nothing beats Battleground as worst ppv of the year, this is def second tho unless some crazy **** happens at the end
This show has had two good matches, a divas SS match (why?), a divas squash and a terrible bray-ambrose segment, and another terrible tag match.

I don't think this match could save it
I agree 100%. Phil is a chump that has moral standing when it's in his favor it seems with that BS he pulled. I was tired of seeing her non mass non boobs and damn skipping anyways. Don't care who I offend with those statements. Boo AJ Brooks!!!

Boo that tired chump RKO
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