Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

This match should've started and ended with with a World's Strongest Slam straight through the ring, and Big Show on a stretcher, and Henry treating the stretcher like Rey Mysterio
Very few people talk **** after kicking your *** better than Mark Henry. And the T-Shirt burial. :lol:
**** talking Mizzark.

That was very kind of Mizzark to lay Big Show on those steps.
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I remember I went to a WWE event one time in Sacramento and some 8 year old kid was like, "Split his wig Mark!!!" When Mark Henry's music hit. Tears and uncontrollable laughter soon followed.
Heel Nikki is so hot and :lol: theyre already making a joke outta Erick Rowan
His run is over before it already started lmaoooo
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