Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Yooo bruhhhhh how dope would it be if Shane came out tomorrow and was the new dude in power and he hired sting would make the most semse since he he was the one that "bought wcw "
Anybody got a new link to the TSN radio that talks about the PPV afterwards? My link isn't working anymore.
Never been a Sting fan so him here doesn't do anything for me. Now it seems like a Sting vs HHH/Taker match will happen which I have no interest in.

Cena can't let Ziggler shine



At least MizDow won Gold :smokin
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taking that L worst than steph 
i thought wwe has post ppv commentary and didnt they see vince speaking after show? is it somewhere else and not on network or a separate app?
If Sting didn't wait till he turned 65 years old to make his WWE debut he definitely would've gotten a much bigger pop..
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