Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

As of last week, the plan is still for Sting VS Undertaker at WM31.

Him attacking HHH was done just in case Taker skips WM31.
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PPV was horrible after I went back and watched it. Sting didn't save it either. Only positive thing they did was give Mizdow some shine and make Ziggler look strong.
PPV was horrible after I went back and watched it. Sting didn't save it either. Only positive thing they did was give Mizdow some shine and make Ziggler look strong.
Last 10 minutes are better than the whole show. Rest of the show was garbage and overall still lousy. Cool ending though. Just wish they didn't bore us with bs for almost 3 hours before it got good.
Regarding AJ losing so fast, it was booked like that all along. Meltzer says she's not leaving anytime soon.
PPV was horrible after I went back and watched it. Sting didn't save it either. Only positive thing they did was give Mizdow some shine and make Ziggler look strong.

Mizdow..Sting debut.. Ziggler push( hated Cena celebrating too like he did a damn thing..)
Watch its going to be Miz / Mizdow fueding with Los matadores.. So they can use hornswoggle as a stunt double for Mizdow..
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