Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Ryback should have joined Team Cena, and then turned on him at SS costing him the match and join the Authority there.  It was too sudden tonight.
If they were smart fandango would make his return tonight in front of these uk fans to bury Bo even further into the ground.
didn't D-Bry get tommy john? He's gonna be gone for another six to ten months b
Not tommy john I think. That would put him out for a year.
He didn't end up getting Tommy John.  But his return date is completely unknown at this point.
Guarantee you come Survivor Series, it's gonna be Cena vs Team Authority in a 1 on 5 tag...and Cena will probably win.

Could see a 5 on 1 situation, cenna eliminates 4 leavin him and rollins, new guys debut to get cena eliminated. Authority will still be around, especially with wm31 plans for them.
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