Wrestling Thread Nov 7-13 | 11/13 TNA Turning Point - Roode vs Styles, Jarrett vs Hardy

WOW That was an awesome spot to get Bourne up into Wasteland.
But why exactly did these 2 tag together?  I hate these random pairings.
so wait lemme get this straight

this niqqa big show been out for like half a year

comes back

faces the world heavyweight champion.. loses

then faces the world champion

it makes no sense
It'd be really nice to see them give Brodus Clay a legit push.  He's pretty good in the ring and definitely has a unique look.  But we've seen this too many times.  He'll get pushed for a month or two and then be jobbed out as just another midcarder.
im tired of seeing these stupid *** Brodus Clay promos...leave his new age King Kong Bundy self off my TV
that advertisement for wwe12/ss

just called cena/rock the most charismatic tag team ever

they haven't wrestled together yet
Originally Posted by NewZ05

im tired of seeing these stupid *** Brodus Clay promos...leave his new age King Kong Bundy self off my TV

It would be King Kong Bundy + Taz
You think they would have said SOMETHING about Del Rio/Ricardo running over Big Show with his car.
The new 4wrestling shirt has hit the NTWTShop. Act fast because these extremely limited. First 30 shirts sold will come with a bag of one of 4wrestling's own cats fur.

$10 each
just now tuning in to this bizzaro raw from putting little man to sleep after trick or treating.


of course my pops' old +%* didn't tell me my eyes were closed

anyone want to hit me with some cliff notes?!

Spoiler [+]
and yes i understand none of you bums want to see pics of my son, but he's a handsome devil. so a signle damn will not be given while i'm in parent mode.

edit: sorry about the ninjahood size pics.
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