Wrestling Thread Oct 20 - Nov 2 | 10/27 Raw - Rollins Defeats Ambrose in HiaC w/ Help of Bray Wyatt

Orton will likely be written off tv tonight so he can film a movie that begins filming next week.
If I was booking it I'd have Seth Rollins punt Randall Keith Orton. That'd be the perfect write off.
Word is Cesaro was punished at HIAC for the comments he made about Cena & Orton. He basically said what everyone else has, that we're sick and tired of those 2 wrestling each other.
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So dumb. People aren't even allowed to state the obvious? vince likes guys who stand up for themselves right? Cesaro needs to go to his office and do the Equalizer to vince on to his desk. Then break cena's neck with a European uppercut then Big Swing orton into steph'a chest popping her implants.
So dumb. People aren't even allowed to state the obvious? vince likes guys who stand up for themselves right? Cesaro needs to go to his office and do the Equalizer to vince on to his desk. Then break cena's neck with a European uppercut then Big Swing orton into steph'a chest popping her implants.
Finally getting around to BOLA. On day 1. This dude TJ Perkins did AJ Lee's exact counter and the black widow :rofl:
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