Wrestling Thread Oct 24-30 | 10/29 Maryse Released by WWE

Ziggler is THAT DUDE. 
went to tna live show in sacramento last night. was basically the same show as frisco but was definately worth the money. i think it was the first match but some teen tried to get in the ring and got a rodney king beatdown. seriously ecw security and event staff put a helluva beatdown on him. even the ref was stomping him.

winter looks better in real life. her %*## are nice.

bully ray was worth the price of admission alone. he did his usual ecw pre match clowning of the crowd. this dude seriously is one of the best heels in wrestling today and hes really gotten himself into the best shape of his career. he went ham on this this fat old short thing in the front row. I say thing because he questioned if it was a man or woman and he was right! you couldnt tell. it did have a guy next to him so i think it was his husband.

Kid kash was like the last one to the meet and greet and i guess no one knew who he was cuz not many people were going up to him.

earl hebner was selling his shirts and looked like that one virgil pic where hes alone and nobody was going to his booth

jeremy borash tried to say that the next time they come back its gonna be a ppv but i doubt it because the arena was small and almost half empty.
oh and samoa joe is the man. i really think its his last days in the company because he played heel the whole match constantly taunting the crowd and flipping them off in humorous ways but at the end of the match it look like he was getting emotional and seemed like when someone wrestled his last match. then he flipped off the crowd one last time 

tna live is not the same as on tv. each match was atleast 20 minutes and good. the winter/mickie james match was one of the best female wrestling matches i have seen in 10 years of female wrestling from both wwe and tna...
^^^I can believe that. I always hear TNA live (especially the house shows) are much better than tv. And Bubba Ray
really is
right now. He's basically doing what the WWE thought he was gonna do back in 2002. Nice to see him
move up like that.
Some other Maryse Halloween Pics
Spoiler [+]

I would have added the Kelly Kelly ones, but nah.
 Maryse is takin' her release really hard.  Seems like ages ago when she had a good run in '09.
that cm punk macho man tribute attire action figure is

i wonder if that was painted on by the owner.

i wanted to go as the macho man for halloween, but i dont have the raspy voice he had.

btw, anyone on here not a fan of face punk? he's nowhere near as great on the mic as a heel.
No one here likes face Punk, but I'm still a fan.. he's def not as good as he is as heel on the mic, but his wrestling is still there.. so I can't be too mad.
Yea Punk's definitely better as a heel, but at least he isn't a completely corny face like Cena.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

that cm punk macho man tribute attire action figure is

i wonder if that was painted on by the owner.
It's going to be part of a Matel Macho/Punk battle pack.
lol homeboy in the green lantern costume needs to quit it. look like he got it for 5 bucks at the kmart racks in the kid section lol
Today at 12:03 pm
im that one: the macho man costume i made, just wanted to share.

cat was dressed as hogan in one of the bars... i cut a Huge promo on him, everyone thought it was real and was takin pictures until they got we were wrestlers. talked about elizabeth and everything else. good times. my bruh was super drunk though, only picture that came out clear.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

NTDown Superstar im that one Suspended 30 Days
Reports have come in that NTDown Superstar has violated the NTWT's Wellness Policy. He was caught with steroids in his system, and it all came to a head when im that one went into a roid rage at a flea market art sale. Fellow NTWT Superstar JNSQ and bkmac were present during the outbursts. We'll update this story as the details come in. It's important to note that JNSQ stayed calm and extremely handsome throughout the whole, ugly ordeal. Creative may reel back on any possible push for the former, and probably worst NTWT US Champion.
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

We'll always have the Maryse GWO thread. 


I'm still waiting on DFly's promised Mickie James appreciation thread.

And for some reason I thought Peep Game was black.
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