Wrestling Thread October 1st-31st/ No Mercy Tonight At 8PM ET/ Dolph Zigger Last Match

The name and design of the belt are both horrendous. The match was far from "GREAT". The "Universe" that the belt is named after voiced their opinion and now everyone is emotional. :lol:
Foley going on a rant on FB:
I have long felt, and often spoken about the element of magic needed to make a good match great and a great match classic.
Finn Balor and Seth Rollins had a GREAT match last night - a match that I was HONORED to watch from ringside. But instead of that element of magic necessary to turn that great match into a classic, what Finn and Seth got instead was the stench of self-congratulatory snarkiness from a a very vocal minority of the sold-out Barklay's Center. But a couple thousand self-important chanters, mixed in with 14,000 other people who genuinely WANT TO WATCH THE FREAKING MATCH is an awful distraction.
Yes, the chants were clever. Maybe the look of the Universal Championship isn't the one that I personally wouldn't have wanted. But remember the Hardcore Title? It was supposed to be a joke when it was presented to me – broken pieces of metal held together by duct tape. But we made that title mean something by busting our ***** to show it's worth. As Seth Rollins writes in his tweet, a title is about more than appearance; it's about what it represents for the men fighting for it. Remember the WWE title I won from The Rock – that moment that has gone down as among the greatest in Monday Night Raw history? Did you know that title belt reeked of beer and mildew, and stunk up my bag every day for the 37 days (or whatever the exact number was) that I held it? Did you know that I didn't give an F about the beer and mildew... or what it looked like, what color it was, if it spun or had my name on it? I only cared about the hard work that had gone into winning it, and that those responsible for running the company felt that I was worthy of holding it.
There are so many times when WWE fans act in a way that makes me proud. Last night was not one of them. Last night, that vocal minority in attendance - who thought their clever chants about their displeasure toward the aesthetic design of a FREAKING belt were more important than the two guys busting their ***** to have the best match possible, made me feel ashamed.
I hope some of those people who were chanting about the Universal Championship - many of whom are Finn Balor fans - will read this article, and realize that Finn flew his family in from Ireland to be part of the event last night. I hope they will take a good look at themselves in the mirror, and realize they made the evening a little less special for him by trying to make the evening about themselves.
There is a reason why Seth Rollins simple, yet eloquent statement received 10,000 RT's from around the world. People agreed with him! Most of them would have loved to be sitting in the seats of those self-important fans - with that element of magic in the air that would have turned their great match into a classic.

Did his teeth fall out while writing this?
the people have spoken 

if the match was awesome im sure they would have chant that too 
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Once the Smackdown womens title is introduced, 4 titles will look exactly the same besides color
[h2]Randy Orton is not suspended for 60 days[/h2]
Yay!!! :smokin View media item 2141311
Give most of them credit for not hoverhanding...you hear the phrase "scared of *****" thrown around, but that's the definition of it.

EDIT: Becky looks like she's about to laugh and cry tho.

EDIT 2: Brock's definitely the best monster of the modern era...I would pay out the *** to see prime Andre go at it with the Beast tho. 

Those pics are full of cringe and I feel bad for the divas. Dudes like that probably contemplate pulling a Borat with Pamela.
Has it been brought up in here that Finn is the "demon king", but he was hugging his parents after the match?

Even Demon Kings may have affection for the people that brought them into the world.
That's what I'm thinking too. Unless Vince running another kind of business on the low which I'd be down with.
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Vince planting the seeds for his own Taz's Angels
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A far more accurate name for them dudes. :lol:
:lol: :rofl:
Sasha doesn't feel it at all with @22stylez
That was Sasha after Kota Ibushi beat her guts up.
View media item 2141299Y'all givin 22 an ether baptism. :lol: :rofl:
Well you finally admitted that he was YOUR man :x
Watch then try to play coy on some bs. :smh: He can't even be honest with who HE is...Can we really believe he is telling US the truth about anything?!? :nerd:
:smh:  Those two never EVEN tried to hide it. Glad 22 has been put out of his pasture. 
Damn DC on that Nas tip...look in your casket, spit in your face... :wow: :x
they dont even allow you to take photos like that at a porn convention.
A few years back I went to Comikaze(a comic convention thrown by Stan Lee) and saw Nina Mercedes and Tera Patrick. Horrible things came to mind. Even with wifey 15/20 ft away. :smh: :evil: Both of them were letting them breathe too.
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Nothing wrong with seeing the privates of another man
You are entitled to your opinion. I will leave it at that. :lol:
Red Arrow, Dirty Deeds, and The Accolade are the current most protected finishers.
Rob coming with them facts. :nthat:
sorry to be off topic but while googling Nikki Bella after seeing her return, I came across a black and white "selfie" that I def can't post. was this real I don't recall there being much talk about it lol
Can I get a PM tho...? :nerd:
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Mick Foley sounding like Vince thinking it was just the minority. The minority has now evolved to the majority. And also that's simple minded of him to also not take into account that those folks sat through FIVE HOURS of rasslin'

Until the companies stops balming what they perceive to be the minority aka smarks, things will comtinue to nosedive.
Yeah I agree...I said what I said about fan interaction being a positive thing but I def draw the line at unsanctioned physical contact. You know damn well nobody in your everyday life lets you touch them--well, at all, but especially that way--why do that to yourself?

That said, the Divas apparently make their own policies on that if that photo of Sasha visibly sliding away from that guy is any indication, so you get what you sign up for.

Dude if you knew some of the stuff that we know about her you would be changing your mind real quick

Due tell lol. I mean, I like they way she looks physically, nothing can really change that? She racist or something?
Finn and Seth wasn't a bad match

It just seemed like something that could have been on Raw
I watched most of Holey Foley last night after SS, im so sick of "reality tv" but since I was a big mick fan I told myself I can watch at least one episode. And was walking around in them white pants, Hmmmm
^You ever dress up as a wrestler? I know you do some elaborate costumes

Me?You referring to my White Tea Party member or my half man half woman costume?

naw, I might've mastered the Peoples Eyebrown in high school but thats about it. this halloween im going to be Ashy Larry (if I get into better shape lol)
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