Wrestling Thread Sep 15-Oct 5 | October 5th, 1982 A Wrestling/NT/Cat Legend Was Born

Anybody know why shamrock had beef or why trips didn't like him?

I don't remember hearing about any beef, but I do remember that he wasn't that good in extended promos (had a really awful one during an Owen Hart and I think HBK segment), and also his match vs Undertaker was sort of a test, and apparently he failed, which is why a lot of people started going over him until his injury and release.

Alicia Fox

All on that stuff

Oh I can definitely see Charlotte. I feel like Aj is naturally lean. I haven't looked at Bayley enough
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Face kinda busted but damn, her body is crazy dog.
Alicia Fox

All on that stuff
Charlotte says she's genetically superior. I think she had some tampering done by Orochimaru or something. Gave her that level 2 curse mark. But juice is a possibility. Bayley is always tweeting about Kill Cliff supplements and such. But he doesn't look crazy ripped like Fox and Charlotte. AJ I doubt as her husband wouldn't approve of those methods. But I'm sure a male wrestler would have said that's gender discrimination if they let the women use those MLB methods while the guys actually had to do it the clean route.
Doctors have told officials Reigns would be back in time for TLC, but there are some officials that want him to return at RR so he can win and face Lesnar at WM31.

VKM going back and forth on Cena VS Lesnar at HIAC or keep them apart and end the feud at TLC.

Other ideas pitched are Lesnar VS Cena at Survivor Series and then Lesnar Vs Cena Vs Rollins at TLC.
Anything with seth and brock in a program I'm all for it. Even if it means super cheeeeennnnaaa is involved unfortunately
Rollins needs to curb stomp Cena onto some thumbtack covered cinderblocks so Cena can leave and come back under a mask
Have losers leaves the company match between the 4 and have the winner get a developmental deal with the company

Ish would be epic :pimp:
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Ah **** I forgot about that too :rofl: :rofl:. They should do something legit though, have him in a costume like Manik, and have Cena attempt to be discreet with his offense :lol:
I got bored and started watching the roster reveal just to pass some time. You could hear crickets when they showed CM Punk. I loved that. (And my auto correct on my phone tried to change his name to "scam" instead of CM.) How appropriate... :lol:
While I'm not Peep Game, I'm sure her best moves were done during "Dark Matches" We should ask Doc Hendrix for confirmation...
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