Wrestling Thread Sep 15-Oct 5 | October 5th, 1982 A Wrestling/NT/Cat Legend Was Born

Rosa got a hot tag?
My god Rosa is a disaster in the ring. It really depends on the day as to who's worse between her, Cameron and Eva. She moves so slow and just has awkward offense
Wish we'd get Kenta/Devitt on the main roster before The Ascension...

They're still wrestling a heavy njpw style with all those strikes. A few more months to develop and incorporate the wwe style of wrestling
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Do the females have to follow the wellness policy? Percentage wise, more of them look "illegal" than the men do
-According to new data released by WWE, this year’s SummerSlam PPV did between 140,000 and 150,000 preliminary PPV buys. This would be around 60,000 domestic buys and 80,000 international buys for the event.

The SummerSlam number is up from this year’s Battleground PPV, which took in 99,000 buys , with 31,000 of them domestic and 68,000 of them international.

The SummerSlam number is also up from Money In the Bank this year, which took in 122,000 buys.

Comparatively, last year’s SummerSlam PPV took in around 298,000 buys – 186,000 domestic and 112,000 international.

Last year’s number was of course prior to the launch of the WWE Network, making this year’s 150,000 buys not too bad of a figure.
-The following are highlights from a recent interview with former WWE star Ken Shamrock. You can listen to the entire interview in the video player:

On working with trouble young people:

“I went through a lot of troubles as a kid. I lived on the streets pretty much. I spent much of my teen life, or child life, as a ward of the court…. I was helped through these things because people helped me to do that and I felt like it was my time and my opportunity to do the same thing….. (Being well known) does open doors for me and gives me a platform to be able to speak to some of these kids and they’ll listen. Whether they take it to heart and apply it in life – I can plant a seed and give them hope. But I definitely want to have the opportunity to show them that there is a way and there is hope.”

On excelling at sports at school and college:

“I was a very angry kid. A lot of bad things happened to me at a very young age and I took that out on physically on other people. So when I was taught to channel that anger into something positive – which was football, wrestling, whatever sport it was; eventually becoming a fighter – I was able to channel that into positive directions.”

On his first wrestling memories:

“The first thing I ever saw, which stuck in my mind, was Pat Patterson and Moondog Mayne. They were going at each other pretty good! I was a young kid, but to me it was pretty big and pretty exciting to watch that.”

On comparing the UFC in its beginnings to UFC nowadays:

“It was raw, really raw. You had guys who were truly from different disciplines. You didn’t have the mixed martial artists that you have today. It was no holds barred! No rules, no time limit, you fought three or four times in one night, bare knuckle. It was intense! You didn’t even know who you were going to fight next! Compared to today – it’s all technical. You’ve got records, you can train for them. The skill levels are much, much higher than what we had. Back then, there were only two people who had the skills to do a training camp, and that was myself and Royce Gracie.”

On the possibility of winning the WWF Heavyweight Championship:

“I know Bret Hart had talked to me about it a few times. He had the belt at the time and he was going to drop it to me. He had discussions about it. The Rock was going to move up (the card) and I was going to move up and challenge for the belt. But The Rock went ahead of me, which was fine, he was a great worker…..I’ll work my way up and I’ll get a shot myself….I just figured that I would be right behind him. He captured the belt…..the matches we had (previously) were main event material, and were the main event a few times, and so I really believed that that opportunity would come, but I never did. But as we know, there’s politics in everything, and I never did (get the shot). I have no idea why that decision was made.”
Do the females have to follow the wellness policy? Percentage wise, more of them look "illegal" than the men do

If there was, I think Alicia Fox would be the first one suspended for 60 days, you see her arms :lol: ? Sometimes she looks like she has more veins than 02 Batista
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