Wrestling Thread Sep 15-Oct 5 | October 5th, 1982 A Wrestling/NT/Cat Legend Was Born

What could have possibly impressed you from a 3 minute clip though? Don't like that bother you. Most of the time people don't even know what they are doing are doing at these conventions.

What I loved is how the gameplay is much slower/realistic. Instead of those rapid fire strikes that have been in the game for the last years. Animations look smoother and the crowd looks nice.

And I can't wait to see how the fatigue system works.

And the crawling animations. Are cool as hell

True. ill cop regardless. DC you plan on adjusting the rosters this year again? Too bad I can't transfer your roster edits into my game :frown: what game system you got?
True. ill cop regardless. DC you plan on adjusting the rosters this year again? Too bad I can't transfer your roster edits into my game :frown: what game system you got?
Of course man. Everything is set and ready to go already. Have been taking notes while watching matches, for movesets, since around April. So yea man, I can't wait for that and NBA 2K.

I will be on XBOX 4 though. You got the PS4 right?
@HadPants - @Peep Game

One of yall, I need some .gifs made real fast

2:50 - 3:00
5:25 - 5:50
5:59 - 6:20 -

Dc you know you can't just @ somebody on nt like twitter right??? you have to click the @ button on reply then type in the user name so they get notified...
I think I put Muta on the same Level of Sting in terms of being overated. I mean neither has had a top match.... both dudes gimmick done carried them
Where the hell did this come from
Saw a Muta post. Dude is just so overrated man.
Repped Peep Game Peep Game for that match. Was the kotr? What year was that? I'll have to check out some owen matches.

Anyone got suggestions to watch on the network? If any can tell me which event was the owen vs HBK and owen vs diesel and maybe some other matches

King of the Ring 94.

Summerslam 94. Bret/Owen
IYH 5: Owen/Diesel
IYH 6: HBK/Owen

Owen 3:16 says I Just Broke Your Neck :pimp:
Yea Zayn is on Tweet talking about how he worked house shows this weekend. I told myself that I wasn't supporting RAW anybody but who am I fooling. SMH.
Neville worked the same house shows. Nyc is the best place to debut talent. They should get a nice pop next Monday.
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