Wrestling Thread Sep 8-14 | 9/11 NXT Takeover - KENTA Debut, Neville v Zayn v Kidd v Breeze

Just the fact that they gave Generico the name Sami is so ******* annoying..
Trips should come out and cut a promo about how you can see this weekly for only $9.99
They should give Neville a mic right now and completely crap on that great segment :lol:
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90% of the fanbase has no clue who these dudes are...it's to be expected. :lol:

I hate sports entertainment fans/crowds..

Neville's finisher is stupid..

Patiently waiting for that first pizza to be delivered by DC cause he's so pissed at me..
Crowd loves Nevelle :lol: the previous reaction was expected though

Kofi Kingston gave his old uni to Tyson Kidd??
So the WWE follows this up with crap like the Bella Intervention featuring a washed up Jerry Springer? Sounds right.
Neville needs to be on the main roster. What a breath of fresh air. 
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