Wrestling Thread September 1st-3rd/ Weekend Edition/ Mae Young Classic Available Now First 4

Catching up on what I missed so far. That Elias shirt is flames. Kinda want. I def see him as IC champ within the next year.
They all gotta start somewhere I suppose. I wouldn't have gotten into it if not for @dcallamerican putting me on.

I'm legit scared of what Kenny and Kota might try to do if and when they finally have their match together. Main event guys are trying to one up each other with the head dropping and neck bumps month by month. The top rope dragon suplex from WK11 almost seems tamed now compared to recent stuff. Almost.

Also relevant, a spot from Kenny and Kotas first match a couple years ago in DDT. Kenny said it was the worst bump he ever took

I remember my first time watching that match. That got a super "OH ****!!!"
Thanks man.I have been toying with it for about a year. Luckily the Oriental markets I frequent are pretty veg friendly so I am able to pick up a lot of the common ingredients I need for stuff like this. The brand of noodle I use currently is Sapporo Ichiban, Miso flavored. If you are allergic to fish or eat a meat/dairy free diet, this has been my favorite packaged noodle so far. Their was a Black Sesame Tonkotsu(pork) Ramen by the same brand I used to get but it had dairy so I dropped it when I went full vegan. It did use artificial pork flavoring which was good though because that is a very specific flavor that is tough to replicate perfectly. Mushrooms work well in a pinch.

The noodles themselves usually do not have animal products, though some brands have eggs so if you are allergic or are averse, definitely read the label. Most Oriental markets have to tag ingredients in English for allergy reasons, but you can certainly do personal research for yourself if you have overly specific allergies that may not get listed. It gets heaps more challenging when you are over seas and need to learn how to read or ask if their is stuff you cannot eat in stuff though lol.
That Ichiban ramen is the truth. Miso and original flavor stay in the pantry. :smokin
Gangrel is laughing at this :rofl:
First thought that came to mind. @PlayazEyez :nerd: :lol:
They buried Emma because of her hashtag
Damn shame how she gets treated. :frown: :smh:
That new Jason Jordan theme is trash b. :lol:
This denmon **** is soo oo ******* stupid

Why annoucned that hes gonna be at SS?

Like Charlie went to the back and confirmed with the denom and Kurk that he'll be there?

I hate that **** man
Not wrestling related, but how do you post an image/gif from your photo album?..
Not wrestling related, but how do you post an image/gif from your photo album?..
its weird

but after I upload the file, i close the little window.

Then I got to more options and scroll down and pick full image
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